Shibo (Edward) Zhao 赵世博

Research on Localization and Perception


PhD student @RI,SCS,CMU


Hello! I will become the third year PhD student at Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Professor. Sebastian Scherer.

I am grateful to have wonderful mentors including Professor. Michael Kaess and Professor. Ji Zhang.

Before coming to CMU, I was supervised by Professor Zheng Fang and received my Master’s degree from Northeastern University.

I was served as a SLAM investigator of Team Explorer competing in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. I developed Super Odometry for Team Exlporer, which are adopted as important methods to acheive state estimation. I was also main organizer for Tartan SLAM Series and ICCV Robot Learning and SLAM WorkShop.

I am focusing on the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and 3D recontruction in challenging environments.

For more details about my research, please visit


Selected Publications


  1. CVPR 2023
    PyPose: A library for robot learning with physics-based optimization
    Chen Wang, Dasong Gao, Kuan Xu, and 8 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023


  1. TRO 2022
    Present and Future of SLAM in Extreme Underground Environments
    Kamak Ebadi, Lukas Bernreiter, Harel Biggie, and 28 more authors


  1. IROS 2021
    Super odometry: IMU-centric LiDAR-visual-inertial estimator for challenging environments
    Shibo Zhao, Hengrui Zhang, Peng Wang, and 2 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021


  1. IROS 2020
    TP-TIO: A Robust Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Deep ThermalPoint
    Shibo Zhao, Peng Wang, Hengrui Zhang, and 2 more authors
    In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020


  1. IROS 2019
    A Robust Laser-Inertial Odometry and Mapping Method for Large-Scale Highway Environments
    Shibo Zhao, Zheng Fang, HaoLai Li, and 1 more author
    In 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019